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Conditional Sentence

( TYPE 1, 2 & 3 )

CONDITIONAL SENTENCE (If Caluse) atau kalimat pengandaian membuktikan keadaan sampai sesuatu terjadi. KALIMAT PENGANDAIAN TERDIRI DARI DUA BAGIAN YAKNI MAIN CLAUSE (INDUK KALIMAT) AN IF CLAUSE (KLAUSA YANG DIAWALI DENGAN IF). Berikut tipe Kalimat pengandaian :

Fungsi             : Untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Pattern           :
If Clause
Main Clause
Simple Present tense
Simple Present Future
S + ( is/am/are ) + Adj /Adv/ N
S + will/shall + V1

Example         :
If Clause
Main Clause
If I’m a rich man
I will buy a big house
If she graduates ffom the SMK
He will be very happy
The fact          :
·      I may be a rich man, so I may buy a big house.
·      She may graduate, so he may be very happy.

Mengungkapkan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi kini atau pada waktu mendatang  apabila persyaratannya terpenuhi. Misalnya kalimat : If I have enough money, I will buy the book . Artinya ada kemungkinan aku sanggup membeli buku itu.

-       If it rain, you will get wet.
-       If we don’t hurry , we will miss the train.
I will drive you home if you don’t mind.

Fungsi             : Untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang bertolak belakang/ mustahil terjadi sekarang.
Pettern            :
If Clause
Main Clause
Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Future
S + were + Adj/Adv/N
S + would/should+be+Adj+Adv/N

The fact
Simple Present Tense
S + ( is/am/are ) + not + Adj/Adv/N
S + ( is/am/are ) + Adj/Adv/N
S + do/does not + V1
S + V1

Mengungkapkan sesuatu yang bertolak belakang dengan yang terjadi dikala ini , Kalimat itu menggunakan khayalan . misalnya: If Ihad enoiugh money . I would buy that ekspensive book. Kalimat itu mencerminkan bahwa pembicara sedang membayangkan mempunyai banyak uang , kenyataannya pembicaranya tidak mempunyai cukup uang.
-       If you studied hard, you would get good marks.
-       If you went to bed earlier, you wouldn’t be so tired.
-          You would be better if you got more sleep.

Example         :
·      If you are my girl friend, I would take you to the moon.
·      He would go home soon If his wife gave birth

The fact          :
·      You are not my girl friend so I don’t take you to the moon.
·      He doesn’t go home soon because his wife doesn’t give birth.

Note  :
Semua subject jikalau menggunakan to be yaitu “ were “

Type 3
Fungsi             : Untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu.
Pattern           :
If Clause
Main Clause
Simple past perfect
Simple Past Perfect Future
S + had + been + Adj/Adv/N
S + would/should+have+been+Adj/Adv/N

The Fact
Simple Past Tense
S + was / were not + Adj/Adv/N
S + was/were + Adj/Adv/N
S + did not + V1
S + V2

Mengungkapkan sesuatu yang bertolak belakang dengan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau  dan mustahil terjadi di masa lampau. Misalnya :  If I had enoiugh money . I would have bought that ekspensive book. Ungkapan ini mengatakan bahwa dikala itu (dulu) aku tidak memilki cukup uang untuk membeli buku yang mahal itu,
-          If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.
-          If you have taken the TOEFL preparation cource, you would have won  the scholarship.
You would have catched the morning flight if you had waken up early.

Example         :
·      If  Doni had studied hard, He would have graduated from SMK
·      She would have come early if she had gotten a taxi.
The Fact         :
·      Doni did not study hard so he did not graduate from SMK
·      She did not come early because she did not get a taxi.

Catatan :
-          Bila ‘if clause’ mendahului clausa utama, berilah tanda koma setelah ‘ if clause’  contoh : If we don’t hurry , we will miss the train
-          Apabila ‘if clause ‘ ditulis setelah kalusa utama , tidak perlu diberi koma. Contoh: Iwill drive you home if you don’t mind. :

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