Name : Laily Mu'ayanah
No : 31
A Shoort Speech
Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
First of all, let us worship and praise pray presence of God Almighty. Have mercy on his taufik and guidance to us all not forget sholawat due to current and greeting us our great prophet Muhammad SAW , and his family and his friends and hopefully always bestow affection and give us all his syafaat yaumil kiamah amin-amin ya robbal alamin.
The father of the village head who I respect and to its donors and Gentlemen, do not forget to attendees all of whom I respect. I, as the committee would like to say here thank you profusely, to the fathers and mothers. Who has willingly set aside part of his property, to be given to the orphans in our foundation, without any help from the fathers and mothers of our foundation is definitely not nothing. With the help of you all learning activities and study it to be smooth, without a hitch what so ever. Orphanages, we set up aims to help orphaned children who are less able to pursue education in schools and madrasah.
Alhamdulillah since 2000 until now the foundation can run smoothly in all of these learning activities did not escape from assistance that has been provided yo us, and the guidance and encouragement to the father and the village head, who have supported this event so this foundation was able to help the orphans who had been his life’s wleak without ideals, because Mercia himself unable, because it has no parent sand relatives now the all became cheerful and have ideals that they will achieve, because it is capable of and educated as others. We as the committee of orphanages AL HIKMAH thanked profusely. I hope the father deeds and mothers accepted by God and rewarded and his rizky hope added, as well as long life, health and khusnul khotimah and always in the protection of Allah Amin Ya Robbal Almin..
So little preface of us, if there is a wrong speech and less pleasing , we apologize profusely.
Jazakumullah akhsanal jazaa-jazaa jazila
Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb
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