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Struggle Opposes Corruption By Palupi Widiyastuti

assalaamu'alaikum wr wb.

good afternoon brother, prosperous greetings for us all that presents in chance happy this.

in the first place, let us climb praise and thank god kehadirat illahi robbi, because mercy blessing and the favour lah we can gather in this programme.

maximum thank i say to
west java governor father and chairman father kpk,
with government in general,
give appreciation so mean this to me.

not ever i shall expected previous will get remarkable appreciation from this country. but, all these only bot a result of from my effort is individual,  but this appreciation is result from my hard work with friends that dedicate self for struggle oppose corruption at these beloved indonesia country. for us, struggle opposes corruption struggle without end, formation process a nation mapan, opened,  and always there" honesty" in the society breast, a nation i don't know when genuinely be fact.

before we know farther hit corruption, it is better we know beforehand meaning from itself corruption word. corruption comes from language latin corruptio or corruptus. corruptio come from word corrumpere, a word latin older. from language latin that's go down to many europe languages likes english that is corruption, corrupt; french that is corruption;  and dutch that is corruptie, korruptie. from dutch language here's that word goes to indonesian is corruption (andi hamzah, 2005: 4). in indonesian dictionary, 1991, corruption means rotten; faked; suap. but, i am more agree with corruption word meaning in the lexicon webster menctionary, 1978, mention corruption word meaning kebejatan; knavery; dissolute; anomaly from purity.

indonesia may proud as nation that has tribe variety, religion,  and culture. proud because bestowed on batural beauty nan winsome. may be also proud of past civilization progress, at age majapahit and or sriwijaya. proud because success unified nation, struggle with pass by difficult times and liberate indonesia. but now, masihkah that is all last for we are proud? not is matter new or our suitable accomplishment is proud? accomplishment not all nations easily rival it?

ignatius haryanto in the article at daily compass, invite us register indonesian newest accomplishment. that accomplishment, our country is as one of [the] corrupt country during through years. besides, our country also be country the grafter most susceptible with well-being. our grafter always ill each time wants to inspected or presided. then, pbb conclude that judicature corruption in indonesia one other unsightly at world may be only can be rivalled by mexico. and ironically, from various means which during the time goed, not yet seen change either from this nation condition. then what that can we give for this nation?

sun too morning betray. pen untimely on fire. possibility now is enlarging possibility, in unlikelihood space. so that everyone whom we meet not find again satupun possibility corner. to say not may be, until their blood is mengering. before rusty penpoint,  and averse to return content. before all paru menyesaki tragedy,  and reduplication finds the meaning self.

in market and fragrant show. or may be in waste and dirt. or may be in gravestone suite uniform. or may be in liberation in the style of monitor 14 inch that offered disobedience desire, in the style of levi's and nokia. or tower teatrikal supermall. election law composers commitee soap opera that joke about kekonyolan democracy, barrative berdasi. menopengi mutilasi liberation with sengkarut argumentation about how macerate self inuring position before seonggok feces world innovator figures named free market. and fair trade, to then treat alive likes akabri,  and castrated sun, too morning betray.

and heroism changes name is c4, sukhoi,  and fiction berpagar constitution. look in every malefactor and cemetery flower tribute from neighbour pahlawan cemetery. from idol up to anonimus named five principles eagle, show self on every site is sepenggal stoney that fly in axis in a line with shield and face patron pharaoh cemetery watchmans berkhakis. appear 24 sundial and gulita swop position at every pojo, even at general campus and gutter, look for consumer target,  and homogenisasi elegibility. so every number is so and meaning. when do we menyuguhi every statistics and weapon snout with thousands unit ssk to watch over stability. since black and white only operative under very nose.

oh how does the great world before gravestone front that castrated sun, too morning betray. so, don't permit me to die too early ganjal rotation cd and set boombox decrepit. don't permit me discipline self into front ganjal celluloid army and narration. and by crumbs hand extension at my child your mouth, don't permit me lelap menjagai every desire artery remainder kumiliki today. by every font in every fable kututur in you before sleep zahra, my sun.

don't sedetikpun permit me stop menziarahi every cemetery without drawn time swords. lelap asleep without one eye opens. without morning sponsored willing separates. without at right arm and my left sun and moon, star and sickle, hammer and sickle, earth and sky, ocean and canal,  and wing and raft. so that entire paru narrow fit-up every biggest possibility pins, enlarge every possibility in unlikelihood space, so that everyone whom we meet not find again satupun possibility corner, to say not may be, without their blood is mengering, before rusty penpoint,  and averse to return content.

and unlikely sun again castrates morning to betray, ,

parable a body, indonesian jangkiti a lethal disease, that is corruption! saking the mortally disease that sufferred, indonesian even also be famous at whole world. the penyakitan the term. time has come we have cured this body seriously, don't there again corruption at this country! change must be begun from now! may be can be begun with keep away this nation simple alive motto, " progress unpertubed defends that pay! "

apologize if (there are) any my pronunciation is less approves of at your heart. we thank you for your kind attention. peace be with you.

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