Nama : Nahdziatul Khaeriyah
NIM : 1111440
No : 09
Ladies and gentlement.
firstly, let's thank to Allah SWT because of Allah's never ending mercies and blessing. especially on this occasion we are given opportunity to join this lembaga to improve our conception and religion lesson.
sholawat and regard always be given to our leader and guide to eternal happines, happines based on Allah SWT. Hopefully it also be given to all of his family, his friends and his faithful followers Amen.
ladies and gentlemen.
everyone certainly wishes happines. life will be beautiful if surrounded by happines. Everyone looks for the happines in their own wayas they regard the meaning of happines according to their view. islam has given the sign that is written in alquran surah Al.Isra' ayat 18-21
according to ayat above,the important thing as a muslim is we have to follow the meaning of happines according to islam. it is happines that doesnt bring misery for the next day or only moment happines.
ladies and gentlement.
that sign is very important because nowadaya many peopel have the wrong way in facing something and happines. mdst peopel believe that happines of life is reached by the existence of facility. more complet the facility makes larger the opportunity of happines is reached. so the tried to complet their life facility. more extreme, the regard happines with luxury. They believe that happines can reache if they have luxury life facility, luxury house, luxury clothes, luxury forniture, luxury car etc. They will not happy if everythink is still limited. They will be stress if lacking of facility. This kind of group regards that limited facility means misery.
Other group regrads happines through position. It means happines can reach if they success to have position. They are really happy with position. They will suffer if they can not reach it. Those two groups are group of people who enjoy a moment happines. The meaning of happines for them is based on material. Material happines will run out as long as the physical condition. The other is regret and misery.
Ladies and gentlemen.
The true happines does not deal with material or social status. The true happines make our heart peace which reached by whoever in whatever the condition. Whoever, rich or poor, has position or not has the right to enjoy the true happy life. Happines is not measured by facility or occupation. The true happines is a condition when someone has soul connection with their god and accepts everything that is given.
According to Rosulullah’s word above, actually happines belongs to everyone and can be enjoyed whenever it has positive connection to Allah SWT.
Hopefully we are blassed the true happinss, that according to islam and that is not followed by regret and misery. Amen.
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