Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012 19:51
The English lesson
Muh Nurkuncoro Cahyo Buwono
Sekolah Menengah kejuruan N 4 Kendal
Kendal Regency
All of praises, honors and glory only belong to god. The all merciful, because only by his grace and mercy, i can finish this task.
by this report, i would like to thank to:
1. Mr. pendekar sultoni comara, as the counselor teacher
2. My parents, friend, classmates, and all who help this simpulan task.
I believe that this report is still away from perfect, so i accept suggestion and contructive criticism from all readers. Finally, i hope that this report can be useful for all.
Kendal, 5th of October 2012
Muh Nurkuncoro Cahyo Buwono
Table of content
1. Title
2. Preface
3. Table of content
4. Content
a) Chapter I
5. Closing
Chapter I
STEP 1 Obtaining paper stripes: DIY easy
A4/Letter notebook paper, preferably yellow and without holes (like the one in the picture)
Tools for method A
Tools for method B
a ruler
an exacto Knife
a cutting board
Method A:
Take a peice of paper, and using scissors cut along the lines
Method B:
Take a piece of paper, lay it on the cutting board, put the ruler against a line and use it as a guide for cutting with the exacto knife (see the second image). This method produces better stripes.
A4/Letter notebook paper, preferably yellow and without holes (like the one in the picture)
Tools for method A
Tools for method B
a ruler
an exacto Knife
a cutting board
Method A:
Take a peice of paper, and using scissors cut along the lines
Method B:
Take a piece of paper, lay it on the cutting board, put the ruler against a line and use it as a guide for cutting with the exacto knife (see the second image). This method produces better stripes.
STEP 2 Obtaining paper stripes: DIY pro
Any paper you want, colorful A4/Letter paper, wrapping paper, anything.
a printer
Tools for method A
Tools for method B
a ruler
an exacto Knife
a cutting board
If you chose wrapping paper, or any kind of paper that is larger than A4/Letter, you need to reduce it to that size. Now print lines on it (see attached file) then cut it using either method A or B that have been described in step 2.
The wider the strip is, the longer it needs to be to make a good star.
Also, The lighter the paper is, the longer the stripes need to be.
Therefore the file attached to this step might no be compatible with the kind of paper you've chosen, so experiment a bit.
Any paper you want, colorful A4/Letter paper, wrapping paper, anything.
a printer
Tools for method A
Tools for method B
a ruler
an exacto Knife
a cutting board
If you chose wrapping paper, or any kind of paper that is larger than A4/Letter, you need to reduce it to that size. Now print lines on it (see attached file) then cut it using either method A or B that have been described in step 2.
The wider the strip is, the longer it needs to be to make a good star.
Also, The lighter the paper is, the longer the stripes need to be.
Therefore the file attached to this step might no be compatible with the kind of paper you've chosen, so experiment a bit.
STEP 4 How to make lucky paper stars: The diagram
STEP 5 How to make lucky paper stars: The video
Something I didn't mention in the video: the last step of pushing against the edges is a bit tricky and it might take you a few stars to get it right, but don't give up!
Praise the completion of this report. So that I can hopefully be useful to readers, and apologize if in the making of this report there is still a shortage, so thank you.
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