Soal-soal Penilaian Akhir Semester satu pada goresan pena sebelumnya , yaitu: Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 K13 bagia pertama hingga bab kedua (soal nomor 11-30) berbentuk pilihan ganda alias PG , maka untuk bab terakhir atau bab ketiga berbentuk essay dengan soal dimulai dari nomor 31 ibarat berikut ini:
II. Read the following text carefully. Study the structure of the text , then answer the questions based on it!
Orientasi ==> Every country has its great men and women who are remembered for what they have done for their country. One of the indonesia’s great men was Ir. Soekarno. He was a man with a deep love for his country and people.
Event 1 ==> Soekarno was born in Blitar , East Java , on June 6 , 1901. At the time ,Java and the rest of Indonesia were under Dutch colonial control. Although brought up in the traditional Javanese cultural world , Soekarno was educated in modern Dutch colonial schools. In 1921 , he entered Bandung Institute of Tecnology to study architecture , graduated in 1926. Soekarno had been increasingly involved in nationalist politics since his teens , when he had boarded in the house of H. O. S. Tjokroaminoto , a leading nationalist politician. It was in Bandung that he decided his future lay in politics , not architecture.
Event 2 ==> On August 17 , 1945 , immediately following Japan’s surrender to the Allies , Soekarno and follow nationalist Muhammad Hatta declared Indonesia’s independence. The next day , the provisional parliament adopted s constitution and elected Soekarno as a president. The constitution included the Pancasila in its preamble and gave the president a great deal of authority. The Dutch refused to accept the independence proclamation. For the next five years , Indonesia and The Netherlands negotiated and argued with one another. Finally , in December 1949 the Dutch acknowledged Indonesia’s independence , but the status of the western half of New Guinea (now the province of Papua) remained in dispute.
Reorientation ==> In 1966 Soekarno was resigned as The President of Indonesia. In 1970 , he passed away in Jakarta and was buried in Blitar , East Java.
31. What kind of text is it?
Answer: A recount text.
32. Where was Ir. Soekarno born?
Answer: Soekarno was born in Blitar.
33. Where was Ir. Soekarno educated?
Answer: In modern Dutch colonial schools.
34. Where did he study architecture?
Answer: In Bandung Instituted of Technology
35. What happened in 1966?
Answer: Soekarno was resigned as the President of Indonesia.
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