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How To Make Cassava Tape By Dwi Nourma Diniar


Asked to complete the task subjects English
In discussing a report
Academic Year 2012/2013
Asked to complete the task subjects English HOW TO MAKE CASSAVA TAPE by Dwi Nourma Diniar

Prepared By:
                                     Name         : Dwi Nourma Diniar
     Class / NIP : XII RPL / 1515
Jl.Soekarno - Hatta Brangsong Kendal 51 371
Tel. (0294) 5790761 Fax. (0294) 36873777e_mail:

With utter grace the presence of God, who has mercy, and his guidance, that I as a student of Sekolah Menengah kejuruan N 4 KENDAL school year 2012/2013, the successful completion of a report on the study of fermentation in cassava
            The report is expected to be an example of how to examine fermetasi cassava are bright with the results of the development of ideas so as to produce a work that would be a bad idea for housewives and entrepreneurs cassava in Indonesia especially Java middle.
            \ Besides it is also proposed to complement the English language on the subject of making the report.

This report will not be realized without the assistance of various parties, for that occasion, the author would like to thank:
1. Mr. Drs. Suroyo, as head of Sekolah Menengah kejuruan N 4 KENDAL
2. Mr. Hero Sultoni Comara, S.Pd. As a teacher of English pengampu has provided guidance and     clarification in making this report.
3. Dwi Mrs. Hanny, S.Pd. as the guardian class XII RPL 1
Reports on cassava fermentation research is still far from perfect, for that criticism and constructive suggestions and help develop ideas sipenulis. Hopefully this report can be useful for readers in general and for education.

compiled By



                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS
        TITLE PAGE
INTRODUCTION ................................................ .................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ ii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................ ............................ 1
A. ISSUE BACKGROUND ................................................................ ... 1
B. ISSUES ................................................. ............................................. 1
C. WRITING GOALS ....................................................... ..................... 1
D. METHOD OF WRITING ................................................ .................. 1
E. USE OF SCIENTIFIC Writing ............................................................ 1
F. Systematics of ....................................................................................  1
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL ...............................................................  2
A. FERMENTATION DEFINITIONS .............................................. ....  2
B. THEORIES THAT will be served ......................................................  2
C. FOUNDATION DISCUSSION PAPER ............................................ 2
CHAPTER III RESEARCH PROCESS ..................................... ............ 3
A. METHODS ................................................ ........................................ 3
B. RESEARCH PROCESS ....................................................... .............. 3
C. RESULTS ................................................................ ........................... 3
CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION ........................... .................................... 4
A. Conclusion RESEARCH ........................................................... ......... 4
B. Suggestions ................................................. ........................................ 4
    REFERENCES ................................................ ................................. iii         iii




A. Background Issues

Tape is a traditional fermented foods that are familiar lagi.Tape made from rice, glutinous rice, or cassava (tapioca). Unlike other fermented foods involving only one microorganism that plays a key role, such as tempeh or drink alcohol, tape-making involves many microorganisms.
Based on the above, it can be concluded that the microorganisms present in the yeast tape is mold Amylomyces rouxii, Mucor sp., And Rhizopus sp.; Yeasts Saccharomycopsis fibuligera, Saccharomycopsis Malanga, burtonii Pichia, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida utilis, as well as bacteria Pediococcus sp. and Bacillus sp. Both groups of microorganisms cooperate in producing tape.
Microorganisms from the mold will produce amylolytic enzymes that will break the starch to sugar-base material into simpler sugars (disaccharides and monosaccharides). This process is often called saccharification (saccharification). Then the yeast will change some of these simple sugars into alcohol. This is what causes the alcoholic aroma tape.Semakin long tape was made, the stronger alkoholnya.Pada some areas, such as Bali and North Sumatra, the liquid formed from the making of the tape was taken and drunk as an aperitif.

    B. Problems

In connection with the above background problems, issues discussed in scientific papers are as follows:

1. Is the process of fermentation food?
2. How does the process of fermentation on the tape?
3. What is the use of yeast in the process of making cassava?
4. How many kinds of steps in the process of making cassava?

    C. Purpose

The purpose of writing scientific papers:

1. Describe the meaning fermented foods and indicate the factors that drive the fermentation of food in the tape?
2. Describe the steps the process of making cassava?
3. Explain the purpose of fermented foods?
4. Mention the name of the fungus that causes fermentation in cassava?

     D. Writing Methods

This paper is made using the method of literature and methods of observation.

     E. Uses Scientific Writing

The results of scientific papers is expected to be useful for sekjolah particularly in teaching and learning as well as useful for the general public. This paper can also develop food fermentation processes, especially those that occur in fermented cassava properly.

      F. Systematics Writing

This paper is structured in four chapters, Chapter I contains an introduction that provides the background of the problem, the purpose of writing, writing methods. Chapter II the basic theory will be discussed. Chapter III describes the research process in fermented cassava meal perrmentasi. Chapter IV contains a summary of research results and suggestions.



   A. understanding Fermentation

Fermentation is the process of energy production in the cells in an anaerobic (without oxygen). In general, fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration, however, there is a clearer definition that defines fermentation as respiration in anaerobic environments with no external electron acceptor.
Sugar is a common ingredient in the fermentation. Some examples of fermentation are ethanol, lactic acid, and hydrogen. However, several other components can also be produced from fermentation such as butyric acid and acetone. Yeast is known as a material commonly used in fermentation to produce ethanol in beer, wine and spirits lainnya.Respirasi in mammalian muscle during anaerobic work hard (with no external electron acceptor), can be categorized as a form of fermentation.

   B. Theory - the theory that will be presented

- Utilization of Fermentation
- The research process in the manufacture of fermented cassava
- Excess fermented foods, regular food that is younger than ingested, can be manipulated into a variety of foods

   C. The foundation Discussion Papers

With the fermentation, we can take advantage of specialized expertise to produce products and services or the services of an organism to manage feedstock into useful / helpful for example in the manufacture of fermentation, tempeh, tofu, tape etc..


                                                           CHAPTER III
                                                   PROCESS RESEARCH

 Tools and Materials

1. Tool:
1) Knife
2) Panic
3) Plastic
4) Buckets
2. Ingredients:
1) 1.5 kg of cassava, peeled, washed, cut according to taste (like left intact also prohibited kok ga)
2) 1.5 grain yeast tape, crushed
3) banana leaves for the base (also pake ga ga papa)

A. Research Methods

Biological research uses methods:

1. Conducting direct evidence by way of making fermented cassava.
2. Conducting the interview
3. Examining the results of verification / pecobaan
4. Collecting data from other sources, such as media informatics that supports the results of research on the process of making cassava.

B. Research Process

The research process is to go directly to prove themselves to make fermented cassava:

1) Steam the cassava until cooked. (Do maturation yes because then the results become mushy). Chill.
2) Once cool, grammar cassava in a container with a lid that has been covered with banana leaves. (If the container can be sterilized first let me ga there are bacteria that can inhibit the fermentation process).
3) Sprinkle with yeast tape until blended. (Ms. Rini said, to look white).
4) Close the banana leaf and cover with lid container. Let stand in a warm place for 2-3 days.

C. Research

Fermentation reactions in different ways depending on the type of sugar used and the products produced. Briefly, glucose (C6H12O6) which is the simplest sugar, will produce ethanol by fermentation (2C2H5OH). The reaction was carried out by yeast fermentation, and is used in food production.
Chemical Reaction Equations
2C2H5OH C6H12O6 → 2CO2 + + 2 ATP (energy released: 118 kJ per mole)
Described as
Sugars (glucose, fructose, or sucrose) → Alcohol (ethanol) + carbon dioxide + energy (ATP)
Biochemical pathways that happened, actually varies depending on the type of sugar involved, but generally involve the glycolytic pathway, which is part of the early stages of aerobic respiration in most organisms. The latter pathway will vary depending on the tamat product produced.


                                                      CHAPTER IV

A. Conclusion Research

Making tempeh and tape (sticky tape and tape both cassava or peuyeum) is a fermentation process that is well known in Indonesia. The fermentation process produces compounds that are very useful, ranging from food to medicine. The fermentation process is often done on food is the process of making tape, tempeh, yogurt, and tofu.
Fermentation is thought to be a way to generate energy at ancient organisms before oxygen is at high concentrations in the atmosphere such as this, so that fermentation is an ancient form of cellular energy production.
Fermentation product contains chemical energy that is not fully oxidized but can not be further metabolized without oxygen or other electron acceptors (the more highly-oxidized) so it tends to be considered waste products (waste). A consequence is that the production of ATP from fermentation to be less efficient than oxidative phosphorylation, where pirufat fully oxidized to carbon dioksida.Fermentasi produce two molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose when compared with 36 ATP produced aerobic respiration.
"Aerobic Glycolysis" is a method performed by the muscle cells to produce low-energy intensity during the period in which the oxygen berlimpah.Pada low-oxygen conditions, a creature with a backbone (vertebrates) using "anaerobic glycolysis" which is faster but less effisisen to produce ATP.Kecepatan ATP is 100 times faster than the oxidative phosphorylation. Although fermentation is very helpful in the short term and high intensity work, it can not survive for long periods in complex aerobic organisms. For example, in humans, lactic acid fermentation is only able to provide energy for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

A. Suggestion

1. Should the youth dinekali sufficient knowledge to be quickly applied in every step of their life.
2. We should welcome the fermentation properly so that utilization can sense by itself.


Mohammed Amin, General Biotechnology Handbook 3. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture, 1985.
Maggy Themawidjaja, Biotechnology, Jakarta: grants, 1990

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