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Tool For Alphabetizing Text

Tool for Alphabetizing Text

This online alphabetizer tool can take a list of words separated by spaces, commas, lines, etc and put the words in alphabetical order

Paste your text in the box below and then click the button.

The new text will appear in the box at the bottom of the page.

Type of Separator between the Words or Numbers
Use a blank space separator (Good for word lists or blocks of text)
Use a comma separator (For csv style data and arrays)
Use a line break separator (For alphabetizing lines)
Or define a custom separator:

Type of Sorting

Alphabetically (A-Z) Numerical (0-9)  Reverse Order (Z-A or 9-0)

Removal Options

Remove Duplicates   Remove Punctuation, and Brackets

New Text in Alphabetical Order

Copy your new ABC alphabetizer text from the box below.

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