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How To Redirect A Site To Another Site Automatically

How to Redirect A Site to Another Site Automatically

How to Redirect A Site to Another Site Automatically How to Redirect A Site to Another Site Automatically
Here is the simple tutorial for you. 

First, go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML. 
Then, just insert this code below <head> tag.

<meta content='4;' http-equiv='Refresh'/>

To change the refresh time, change 4 to another number. It represents the seconds needed to redirect/refresh the page to another website/page/domain. Putting 0 means immediate refresh and the viewer won't be able to see the landing website/page/domain.

To set the sasaran website/page/domain, change to your desired sasaran website/page/domain.

After that, Save Template and it's ready to redirect/refresh!

It's suitable for redirecting your Blogspot/Blogger blog to your own (new) domain hosted by a web host or you simply want to auto-redirect an old blog post to a new blog post.
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